Get Calpol, sore throat medicine, creams etc FREE – with the Common Ailment Scheme

Get Calpol, sore throat medicine, creams etc FREE – with the Common Ailment Scheme

So a bit about me – career-wise, I am a personal finance expert (yep, I’ve worked with Martin Lewis), but I never planned on covering deals etc on here – but when I discovered the Common Ailment Scheme, which sounds boring – but is mind-blowingly good – I couldn’t believe I had never heard about it before.

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What is the Common Ailment Scheme?

My baby is teething, so popped into Boots the other day to pick up teething gel, nappy rash cream and some Calpol. Bless her, she hasn’t had the easiest starts with ezcema and allergies, so was another load of money I had to spend on medicines etc for her. She’s cost me a fortune.

Put it all down at the till, the cashier scanned it through, then I thought ‘actually, better speak to the pharmacist to make sure this cream isn’t going to irritate her skin’.

So stopped the transaction and got the pharmacist from the back to come out and speak to me. As I went to go he said, ‘hang on – you can have all this free with the Common Ailment Scheme’. What? I nearly had just paid for it all.

Long story short, if you live in Wales (or are visiting and planning to stay for 24 hours after getting the freebies), there is a list of illnesses and ailments which are very common, that if you speak to a pharmacist about, they can give you the items for free.

It won’t always be for the brand you might want – for example, I picked up one teething gel, but he said he was only able to give me Bonjella. But if it does the same thing, and it’s free – that’s more than fine with me.

What illnesses are covered under the Common Ailment Scheme

If it’s a common illness – it’s likely covered. It’s not just for babies and toddlers either – it’s for everyone. There are 27 conditions covered, including:

  • Acne
  • Chickenpox
  • Colic
  • Constipation
  • Hay Fever
  • Nappy rash
  • teething
  • mouth Ulcers etc

Take a look at the pic above which shows the full list.

I had to give the pharmacist my daughter’s name and address because, to stop people taking the mick, you can only get items three of the same thing in a year.

Why is the Common Ailment Scheme such a secret?

I’ve spent hundreds of pounds in pharmacies over the last few years with little kids and never has anyone on the till mentioned I could have the items free. It’s bizarre. So don’t expect anyone to offer it up – you need to ask.

My friend’s father-in-law is a pharmacist, and she told me he said that they aren’t allowed to ‘promote’ the scheme – which I’m not sure if its true or not.

Oh, and you need to go to a pharmacy with a pharmacist – and importantly, speak to a pharmacist. My mate tried the Boots in Fforestfach, and because there’s no pharmacist there anymore, she couldn’t get it.

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