Story Babies, Swansea

Story babies Swansea

I’m a mum to a toddler and a baby, who I still think of as a newborn, but is getting close to crawling – so I’ve spent the last few years doing everything there is to do with babies and small children in Swansea – and my weekly Story Babies class with Tara, is one of my favourites.

It’s not only a brilliant group (which I’ll go into more detail about below) but most importantly for me, one of the most social ones. The class I go to is upstairs at The Lighthouse – check out my review – and Tara encourages everyone to hang out afterwards, which is really helpful – as in some groups, it’s left up to the new mums to pluck up the courage, and often, no one suggests doing anything.

What age is Story Babies suitable for?

I took my baby when she was just six weeks old, as the classes – depending on which one you choose – are suitable for babies and toddlers from birth to 14 months.

To be fully honest with you, I think she just slept for the first three sessions (although I’m sure all the sensory elements we’re doing something… even while she slept… maybe), but even so – I don’t regret taking her that early because I think these baby groups are just as much for the new parents as they are for the babies. For example:

  • It got me out of the house. It’s beyond scary taking a baby out on your own – especially while needing to get somewhere on time (though Tara is totally fine with you being late).
  • It helps you find your “mum” friends. Honestly, some groups I’ve been in have been so miserable and not particularly friendly – Tara is super fun and warm, which is infectious. The Lighthouse venue, which I go to is particularly a good shout too as there’s a restaurant/cafe downstairs, and the beach/walks for when it is sunny once group is over.

But of course, it’s also amazing for your baby. Mine LOVES it.

Why is Story Babies, Swansea so good?

I’m not going to give you the full spiel on why Story Babies is a good group – you can read about it properly on its website, but long story short, each class is themed around a different story each week.

And it’s the theming – and the huge amount of effort Tara puts in – that makes it stand out above a lot of the other classes in my opinion. Some groups get really samey, with the same toys and activities every week, but Tara’s Story Babies classes are always high quality, exciting and different each week.

When it comes to things like Mother’s Day, for example, she brings in cards and paint and makes footprint cards with you. It’s touches like that, which go above and beyond other groups.

I love getting my girls dressed up and to do mini photoshoots with them on the layouts and accessories Tara brings. Some of the best pictures I have of my baby have been taken during Story Babies class.

I’ve booked a few classes during the summer holidays, and Tara is OK with me bringing my toddler daughter along to the baby group as she’s not in school – there are a few older kids there during the summer holidays. She’s so good at including them too.

Story Babies Swansea Reviews

So as you can tell, I think a lot of Tara and her Story Baby classes – but what do others think?

Story babies has been the highlight of our Thursday since Jac was 6 weeks old! 💙 Every class is so creative and engaging and Tara gives each one a million percent 🌟 Anyone that is able to attend these classes 100% should! Not only did Jac enjoy every week, I’ve met some amazing mum friends too! I’m so sad to be finishing but I’ve got memories that’ll last a lifetime!

I would 100% recommend story babies Swansea! Tara makes our Wednesdays extra special every week! 🫶🏼She puts in so much effort and time into all the classes it just makes me and Myles smile every time we step through the door. I was so nervous for our first class but Tara makes you feel so comfortable and I feel like I’ve known her forever 🤣 I can’t wait to show Myles all the dress up pictures when he’s older 😂 it’s by far the best class we’ve been too! Thank you so much Tara❤️

I can’t recommend Story Babies Swansea enough! We have been attending since my son was 2 months old, and we have loved every single session.

This was my first class on my own as a first time mum, I was so nervous but Tara made me feel so comfortable and welcomed as if we had been attending for years! She is absolutely amazing at what she does, and it is so clear that she loves what she does and adores all the babies.

Every class is filled with activities for you to take part in with your baby, so much fun & laughter!

Have you been to a Story Babies class? Let me know what you thought about it in the comments below.

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